Online Safety

Safer Internet Day 2020 is happening on Tuesday 11th February 2020. We will be touring schools between 3rd -14th February delivering Online Safety themed performance assemblies, workshops and staff and teacher training, all following this years Safer Internet Day theme: ‘Together For a Better Internet’.

Our Online Safety Programme will help your school community to feel empowered to make positive decisions, to recognise the impact of their digital footprint and to feel confident to say ‘no’ even when everyone around them seems to be saying ‘yes’.

We will guide your young people to recognise the importance of their ‘online morals’, so that whilst they are having new experiences they can always come back to a solid, confident understanding of what is safe and unsafe, fact and opinion, respectful and disrespectful.


Click on the different tabs to see a more in depth explanation of the elements that make up our Online Safety Programme.

The day starts with an age appropriate, thought provoking performance to either KS1 or KS2* in your main hall. We portray real life issues through creative and child friendly stories, fuelled with characters representing a relatable online scenario. 

*There are separate programmes for KS1 / KS2, Every year the content of the programme adapts with the emerging trends and challenges relating to issue young people may face online, this is inspired by our data, knowledge and the Safer Internet Day theme. 

A high energy, educational and interactive workshop follows the assembly, allowing young people to further explore the online safety themes and roles related to the performance. This enables young people to explore both positive and negative outcomes when faced with bullying; encouraging them to make well informed decisions with empathy and self awareness. Each class participates in a 1 hour workshop, this is typically delivered in the classrooms. Often we have the team capacity to run up to 3 workshops at the same time in separate spaces.

Your school will receive a simple and effective follow on creative educational activities and resources that can be used by teachers in the classroom environment and within whole school campaigns, including cross curriculum activities. 

Add on: Comprehensive 6 week Online Safety lesson plan package.  This pack enables your teachers to run 6 assemblies with 6 lessons plans to follow (all content provided). There are KS1 and KS2 packs available, which will be sent electronically along with all resources. Each lesson gives you creative activities which explore themes surrounding Online Safety. Including FREE resources for classroom displays and website newsletters.

We’ll help you evaluate the day by preparing a monitoring report* concluding your children’s learning outcomes, observations and awareness of Online Safety. Within this we offer advice, tools and guidance to help you vocalise and evidence your progress to any inspections and school priority plans.

*Evaluation reports are only available for ‘Performance and Workshop’ programme packages.

We are aware that every school is different and therefore has different wants and needs. Every programme we provide will be custom made to suit your school. Whether that be you require targeted Online Safety workshops for a specific year group, or you have a specific budget, we will be able to help. Contact us today so we will be able to build an Online Safety programme to suit your setting.

Our Online Safety Programme 2020 will follow this year’s Safer Internet Day Theme –

[evc_flip_image image=”5976″ image_size=”full” text=”Problems in the online world are often driven by user behaviour, rather than the technology itself. Therefore Unique Voice will ensure to develop the emotional resilience and knowledge of your students to enable them to make mature decisions in the online world, when faced with issues such as cyber bullying.” content_bg_color=”#548dbf”]
[evc_flip_image image=”5973″ image_size=”full” text=”Students will explore how they use the internet as they encounter a variety of content, ensuring they are doing so in a both a positive and safe manner. Focusing on subjects such as, control settings, passwords and privacy.” content_bg_color=”#548dbf”]
[evc_flip_image image=”5974″ image_size=”full” text=”Students will be given the opportunity to examine and reflect upon their current and potential future online activity. In order to gain an understanding of the impact this may have on how others perceive them and their aspirations for their future selves.” content_bg_color=”#548dbf”]
[evc_flip_image image=”5975″ image_size=”full” text=”We will focus on issues such as, fake news and false data to give your students the confidence to make sensible and informed choices whilst online. Enabling them to challenge the sources and information they are presented with and form their own educated decisions and opinions.” content_bg_color=”#548dbf”]



    Any Questions?

    If you would like to book, or if you need some additional information please Click here. We look forward to hearing from you and finding positive solutions for you.

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